Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Milf Control 0.3d Walktrough (1st play)

1.       We Go to mother room and then go to school (after lear basic Card BATTLE with your bro Eric..)
2.       At the school must find some money for can go to moseum, talk to friend at locker room and find 2 student on the up room for get some money.

3.       In the moseum you find secret room, click on red crystal. In the secret room klik box for get magic control ring and beside it have letter in the treasure cheast.

4.       After you try use the ring to your teacher, go back home (find circle at the down right map)
5.       For me I try to Explore map n NPC, so I got some scene Q at hospital and Church
6.       If you go to home You see (scene) mother talk with your sister (she need some book message)

7.       Give her help and lets go to library (check map) /* if not have this Quest you can jump to Q Church (22) until finish and back home
8.       In library find secret room 2nd floor (position at 2 o’clock / see the roop) and get the book

9.       Report to librarian for get the book after you defeat him Card Battle ofcourse ( Little dificult but i give you secret card what he have..^^ hope not draw n draw again right.
10.   After win you can borrow that book, save games and go back home (find circle in the middle map)
11.   In home you see your sister and talk to her
12.   Control her and go to your room.... ^^
13.   But no.. @##@%^ your ring  drop and.. use your sister.. so ...

14.   I think we have BUG about My computer menu.. when click we can’t back again to 1st menu
15.    we must repeat step 6-10 (damn that not funny)
16.   When back home (after take the book from librarian) i dont now sister not respon again about book massage.. keep it and Go to your room, back to 1st floor. (ask mother and go out / to the front door)
17.   We get the guest (auntie) she bring kid (ryan) and put in your room until mother talk with his momy
18.   Go to your room and talk to Ryan, he want candy so you must buy it.. (-_-)* wtf 100$ >.<..
19.   walk to the market in the town (cek big map), and get bonus card from (!) home, must fast before old man kick your Ass..


20.   Get candy from market and give to Ryan, so he can you follow what you want..
21.   OFCOURSE need auntie come to your room right.. hehe congratulation we got 1st Video @_@ its hot! 
22.   Ok lets finish next Quest, Go to Church and see around  cause have secret to unlock Secret Picture (sister and Police)
You can check Big Map if you lazy to search it ^^ (download link
23.   Talk to Nun inside Church.. you must help open Door,
24.   Ok, we must find way.. (in real  play I’m explore 15 menit map @_@ to find NPC and Got it..)

25.   At the Harbour find this guys.. to defeat him Battle Card ( he have Lockpick be a price if you win battle..)
26.   At the Church.. lets try to open the 2nd DOOR..
27.   in that room u is badBoy,, try use Ring to Nun.. -_-*omg ..

28.   Next Quest in Day 1, lets get Quest Hospital..
29.   Find building, in side you get scene nurse on hurry go to his room. Talk to reseptionis.
30.   You can’t go to HOT nurse room because must go to some place first ( I think maybe we must sick first to get medical treat) and that clue so weird must go to scream place.. seriously.. hmph..
31.   This first play so I write what I do, 25 minutes bro I found what that place T.T..

Check Price card, so you can collect same very rare card to sell later..
 Now go to Dungeon beside Harbor (hope we not get bad situation in here.. I don’t want get sick just for meet hot Nurse)
33.   Defeat card battle to guard(save games first!)
34.   So you can come in to the dungeon club card. 
35.   I Beat all player in that room, but carefull must do step by step. Defeat player 2,3,4 and get his rare card so continues defeat next player 5,6.
36.   I think important defeat is player no 6 cause I get condition character feel sick after beat him.
37.   *Tips: Collect all card Rare, so you can sell in card shop for some money (you can check price in card album)
38.   But I don’t have passkey to unlock cheast.
39.   Go to hospital and eksexcute HOT NURSE.. talk reseption 1st
40.   Before come back to home maybe you can explore map to get free card and money (check house in the map u can see sign ! or circle)
41.   Ok Lets go Home.. find circle out
42.   Go to your room and take menu in bed
43.   You wake up in the MIDNIGHT check mother room, door is lock but you can open that, take Lockpick in 1st floor
44.   Nice.. try.. but not enough, maybe next time. Now back to your bed for sleep and go to school
45.   In the morning before go to school u get hot kiss from Mom,,,ahaa

                  - milf controller 03d DAY 2
                  - milf controller 03d DAY 3

Games Spec:
Date: 2016/04/21
Censorship: None / a patch to remove
Genre: RPG, 3DCG, all xxx
Language: English
Publisher: icstor
Sistem requirements (minimum): CPU Intel Pentium4 2.0 GHz ; RAM 512 Mb ; HDD 1.42 Gb ; 
RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP
Size: 1.57 Gb

finish games on 6 hour slowest play..
thanks to MAP from yukitri82@gmail.com
 send mail for pass key map dude